"Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him."-
2 Corinthians 5:9

Saturday, January 10

A glimpse of Preschool

Here are a few pictures of Caleb at Preschool. He stays in my office on some days and goes to the Toddler class the rest of the time. He is constantly being tempted by the computer and loves to turn it off while I am working:) He loves the sensory table when it has water in it. This is his class washing sweet potatoes before they make sweet potato pie.
This is his Toddler class. He is the youngest in his class but you cant tell it. I think he thinks he runs the school. Not to mention all the teachers spoil him and let him do anything in their rooms. He loves to go to the 4's class and watch the hamster and fish and climb up in the loft.
I am s0 thankful for my job. It is the perfect fit for us the be able to take Caleb, know that he is being taken care of, and love being able to us my gifts daily.
He loves the playground. At the beginning of the year he could only sit in the swing and grass because he just wanted to eat the mulch. Now he just runs everywhere and loves to go down the slide.

Panther Pride Day!

On Friday we had a Panther Pride Day at QHPS (that's the Preschool where I am the Director). I was shocked to see how many students dressed in their favorite Panthers gear, painted their faces, and made many signs. Needless to say, it was an exciting day and the halls were so loud with Panther roars! Here is a picture of some of the kids that were cheering them on. We submitted our picture to the Panther Roar magazine, so maybe one day a Panther player will show up at our school.

Friday, January 2

Christmas Celebrations with Family

We are amazed at another year that has passed. But we have stopped a lot along the way and marveled at how blessed we truly are! Wade's health is better than ever and only on one daily medication for his colon issues. Caleb is growing so Big, so quickly, and is just a highlight for us. He has such a fun personality and definitely a little entertainer and loves to be around people. I am enjoying my time as a Wife,Mom, and Preschool Director. The Lord continues to grow me in all theses areas daily. I don't think I have ever been stretched more than being a Mom though. But I wouldnt trade it for anything. We hope each of you enjoyed your Holidays and the newness of a New Year!
Christmas Eve we spent the day with the Shields Family. We hung out, played outside, and enjoyed great food. We opened gifts with them and then headed home for the night. We started a tradition of wearing new PJ's Christmas Eve. This is us Christmas Morning. We woke up and Wade read us the Christmas story and then we opened some gifts from each other. Caleb loves pulling things around the house so he got a mower that he can push and stop and then dance to the music. Christmas Day we spent at the Spencer's. Traci made a huge breakfast at her new house and then we went back to my parents and huge out, opened more gifts and then had lunch. Caleb loved playing with Joshua and Sarah and making everyone laugh:) (If you look hard enough you can see that Wade enjoyed a nap too)

Christmas Fun

We got our Christmas tree a lot later than normal. It has been such warm weather, it hasn't motivated me to decorate. So, we picked out a tree and then we decided to just get the one already bundled for us so we could easily tie it to the top of the Element. But when we got home we were disappointed at how small it was- we learned our lesson. We put the tree upstairs in the loft so you can see it when you walk in the door and it is less tempting for Caleb.
He wasn't as fascinated with the ornaments as he was with the lights. He wanted to touch the lights and pull them closer to see.
We enjoyed a fun Carriage ride with some of our friends. The Billy Graham Library had an outside celebration of lights, live nativity, story telling, and carriage rides.
This is us in front of the HUGE tree that was inside the barn that resembled Billy Graham's when he grew up. The entire barn was decorated so beautifully.

Monday Night Football- Panthers Style

Caleb and Wade in their matching jersey's before the game. Caleb loves to cheer the Panthers on and puts his arms in the air for a Touchdown! During the National Anthem- it is an amazing sight to see the flag so big and this way. We have gone to a couple of Sunday games this season. Of course, it has been a sweet season seeing them win so many times at home.
We went to our first Monday Night Panthers game this year. It was the first week in December and it was FREEZING cold. We had a blast! We rode the light rail to the stadium, grabbed dinner, and was ready for kick-off. The stadium was packed and it was a totally different feel then a Sunday afternoon game.
We had on so many layers but Wade still managed to show his Panther Pride:)

Thankful Hearts

Thanksgiving was a tiring holiday for us with Caleb being sick. He had a bad cold the week before and then spiked a high fever on Thanksgiving morning and at the Dr. the next morning found out he had an ear infection. He was pitiful and just wanted to be held. This is Nana playing the piano and singing to him We did have fun going to a Fall Festival and picking out a pumpkin
He enjoyed the Hay ride but I think he needed it to go faster!

Caleb's First Birthday

We celebrated Caleb's first birthday with a party of family members and friends. The weather was amazingly warm so we celebrated outside. This is his safari cake that I made. I am such a sucker for organic recipes so I made his cake rather than "store bought sugar him up cake". This is first time he had sugar and chocolate! He loved it and wanted more and more and more.
Caleb got so MANY presents so Joshua and Sarah helped him open them.
Caleb with Mimi and Poppi
Caleb with Nana and Pop