"Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him."-
2 Corinthians 5:9

Thursday, March 12

Lois' Lodge Walk-A-Thon

Susan, Caleb, & I will be participating in a Walk-A-Thon with some of our friends from church. It is for a non-profit organization called Lois' Lodge. Please consider making a donation on behalf of us walking. Your gift will go directly to provide shelter, counseling and support for women and families who are facing the difficulties of an unplanned pregnancy. Your donation will save the life of a child and provide hope to a woman and family in crisis. Last year Lois' Lodge provided support to over 65 women and families. You can learn more by visiting the website at www.loislodge.org/. The event is on March 28th. Please consider sponsoring us. You can give online at www.firstgiving.com/homegroup. If you would rather do so by check, you can post a comment here & we will get back to you with how to do so. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 9

Caleb's 1st Haircut

We went to this amazing kids place called Doolittles. It's a kids hair salon with little fun chairs, TV's, and lollipops!!! So, Caleb got his 1st haircut today. It was bittersweet for me. He looks so adorable with it but it makes me realize he is getting bigger:) He sat so big in the little red race car and watch Blue's Clues! Ms. Erica was so sweet to us and this is her cutting his first piece of hair. She took a before picture of Caleb, saved a piece of hair, and put it in a little frame for us!
Not only was it his 1st haircut but he has never had candy before but he got a LOLLIPOP! He wouldn't take it out of his mouth until it was completely gone! I think we will save this for a Doolittle tradition:)
Mommy and her handsome little man
Caleb's new haircut- It really is adorable. Erica did such a good job. YEAH Caleb- he did awesome!

Snow in March

I cant believe we actually got snow the first week in March. Caleb was sick with a high fever so he just stared out the window and played in the laundry basket. Wade's office was closed because of the snow so we finally took Caleb out for his first snow.
Me and my snowcutie!
He didn't really know what to think but I am sure he would have tried eating it after awhile:)

Around the House

Caleb was sick for about a week and then with the snow, we have just been in the house A LOT lately. Caleb got this wagon for Christmas (he pulls it all over the house) but when he was sick he only wanted to be pulled in it. Somehow the pots are always too dirty or missing for me to cook!
Crazy Hair!
My sister made Caleb lots of these animal towels. Caleb loves to make animal sounds now so he just sits and barks when he gets out of the tub.