I am
constantly amazed at how fast Caleb is growing up. This year as we brought out all the decorations and he just went crazy. He understands so much more this year and he is
constantly asking questions. He loves the stockings, the nativity, and the ornaments on the tree.
This is December 2008. I was so afraid he was going to push the tree over!

This is December 2007. He could barely sit up straight in his

This is December 2009. He loved hanging his ornaments on the tree an this year's favorites are the Thomas and McQueen ornaments

My little noodle. He brings such joy to us and it is truly amazing for Wade and I to experience Christmas through his eyes. What faith and insight we can learn form him!

His little decorated section of tree. We can't post our family in front of the tree yet becuase it is our Christmas card pic!
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