We are amazed at another year that has passed. But we have stopped a lot along the way and marveled at how blessed we truly are! Wade's health is better than ever and only on one daily medication for his colon issues. Caleb is growing so Big, so quickly, and is just a highlight for us. He has such a fun personality and definitely a little entertainer and loves to be around people. I am enjoying my time as a Wife,Mom, and Preschool Director. The Lord continues to grow me in all theses areas daily. I don't think I have ever been stretched more than being a Mom though. But I wouldnt trade it for anything. We hope each of you enjoyed your Holidays and the newness of a New Year!
Christmas Eve we spent the day with the Shields Family. We hung out, played outside, and enjoyed great food. We opened gifts with them and then headed home for the night.
We started a tradition of wearing new PJ's Christmas Eve. This is us Christmas Morning. We woke up and Wade read us the Christmas story and then we opened some gifts from each other.
Caleb loves pulling things around the house so he got a mower that he can push and stop and then dance to the music.
Christmas Day we spent at the Spencer's. Traci made a huge breakfast at her new house and then we went back to my parents and huge out, opened more gifts and then had lunch. Caleb loved playing with Joshua and Sarah and making everyone laugh:) (If you look hard enough you can see that Wade enjoyed a nap too)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Caleb is so grown up!! Happy belated Birthday to him. Wow, I bet you can't believe a year has gone by. They grow SUPER fast. You guys look great...so happy!! I am glad that Wade's health is better. Love you and miss you!!
YAY!!! You updated your blog!!! ;) I CANNOT believe how grown up Caleb has gotten! Oh, my goodness what a doll baby! He is so cute, Susan! I am so glad to see what you guys have been up to and to hear how great Wade's health is! Praise the Lord!! Let's get together SOON! Love you!
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