"Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him."-
2 Corinthians 5:9

Thursday, March 20

Turning 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In February we celebrated my 30th Birthday! It was a mix of emotions as I realized goals I had set and not achieved them and then realizing how much I do have, it was very overwhelming. Wade and I went out dinner at our favorite restaurant and enjoyed being alone. Caleb stayed at home with our friends, the Perkins. After dinner, we were heading to the movies when Wade needed to go back home to get his medicine. To my surprise it was a set-up and my friends were there to surprise me. Laura baked me a Red Velvet cake- my favorite. We had lots of food and even a chocolate fountain:) It was great to just hang out and play games with our friends. On Sunday, we had lunch at the Spencer's and got to blow out my candles with the help of Caleb, Joshua, and Sarah. Mommy and Caleb!

1 comment:

Ali said...

happy belated 30th!! i love that last picture of you and caleb! precious! :)