We were blessed to have been able to go to a lot of Panthers games this year. Too bad they had such a horrible record at home. Wade went in September with his friend Brett. I was still
prego so I got to spend the day with Brett's wife Jenny and we
checked out a new store here, Trader Joe's- love it!!!

At the end of October, Wade and I had our first real outing without Caleb. We went to see the Panthers play the Colts. Caleb got loved on by Mimi,
Popi, Joshua, and Sarah.

My dear friends from Apex, the Harvey's, came to see the 49
er's get beat. Josh is the biggest Panthers fan and he got to see them win!!

Wade and his friend Joe got to see the Panthers their last win at home this season.

Wade and all his Panthers gear.

Caleb has a couple of Panthers outfits and one jersey. Usually on Sunday we all wear our Panthers clothes.

Can you
believe how big he is? He is growing so fast.